MVUSD Graduates

MVUSD Graduates

Serving graduates of Murrieta Valley Unified School District, Murrieta, California

Murrieta Dollars for Scholars started out as Murrieta High Schools' Scholarship Foundation in 1993 when a group of parents, teachers and community members came together to provide scholarship opportunities for graduating seniors to pursue their goals. Murrieta Dollars for Scholars® is affiliated with the national non-profit educational service of Scholarship America®. Through local chapters such as ours, Scholarship America has distributed more than one billion dollars to more than one million students making it the nation's largest private-sector scholarship and educational support organization in the United States.

Our chapter serves Murrieta Valley Unified School District graduates by administering scholarships provided by local community members, organizations, and businesses to deserving seniors.  Senior students with a minimum cumulative overall grade point average of 3.25 at the end of the first semester who plan to attend a two-year community college, four-year university, technical, trade, or a vocational school following graduation are eligible to apply.  Scholarships are based on academic achievement, accomplishments, involvement and/or merit.

The scholarship funds are managed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors. The Board acts as an administrator by receiving funds from donors and distributing them to the college, university, or trade school of the recipient's choice.  After funds for scholarships are received, recipient selections occur in March and April.  In late April, the awards are announced at a special ceremony.

Contact Us:
Murrieta Dollars for Scholars
C/O Lori Noorigian
24904 Corte Pawnee
Murrieta, CA 92563